K-12 Plan For A Christ Centered Education

Here at Schamelot we take a living books approach to education, allowing for lots of free time to explore, create, experiment, imagine, and cultivate the virtues, particularly piety, obedience and diligence. What is called "The Charlotte Mason Method" permeates our homeschool philosophy, and Kolbe Academy and Mother of Divine Grace are the spring boards for our curriculum, which I put together for each child each year. I hope you will find something I have shared helpful to your homeschooling adventure! (scroll down after clicking a link)

Catechism and Character Formation

Science and Natural History


Language Arts and Literature

History and Geography

Music and Art


Monday, August 27, 2007

History--His Story!

History is our favorite subject! There's so much we have learned in this area it will take me months to share it all with you. I could have a whole blog devoted to this subject alone! Let's just start with my favorite history reading list, Reading Your Way Through History, from Love2Learn, a wonderful Catholic Homeschooling site, and the coolest timeline and timeline figures in the world! The timeline figures come on a CD and can be printed in a whole lot of different formats--from coloring book size pages, to tiny stickers I copy and paste onto mailing labels to stick them into our timelines. And just to make sure we're not getting too sidetracked I keep all the History Links close by for reference, writing and project ideas.

We study history with the Incarnation as the focal point, so that everything that happened before the Birth of Christ was a preparation of the whole world for this singular moment, and everything that's happened since has been a response to it. The only history is Catholic History. And what a glorious history it is! In addition to all the living history books we read, in High School we study from Dr. Anne Carroll's books, Christ the King, Lord of History, and Christ and the Americas, and Dr. Warren Carroll's Christendom Series and particular histories.

I also have to mention the wonderful selection of living history books and biographies from the Baldwin Project. I do not believe all these books are Catholic, per se, but I have found their treatment of delicate matters, like the conflict between Queen Elizabeth and Mary, Queen of Scots, for example, to be satisfactorily unbiased. This site is a treasure trove of good children's literature in a wide range of subjects--a must see for all homeschoolers!

Please keep checking back for elaborations on our history curriculum. I simply cannot put it all into one post! Reading Your Way Through History, the timeline and timeline figures, and the books at the Baldwin Project should keep you plenty busy in the meantime. I hope you'll find them as wonderful as we do!

In Sanguine Christi,

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